mercredi, février 10, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award

Thanks to the fabulous Chris Battle, I just got a Kreativ Blogger Award ! So a big thank to you Chris, you rock !

The rule is that I have to nominate 7 other blogs and tell 7 interesting things about myself.

Nominees (they are all great and fantastic artists) :
-Julien Bizat
-Aurore Damant
-Julien Le Rolland
-Radford Sechrist
-Chris Sasaki
-Lorelay Bove
-Alberto Mielgo

7 Things :
-I'm allergic to chocolate
-I started drawing when I was 15 years old (I was spending all my time copying mangas)
-My girlfriend is doing her PhD in cinéma at La Sorbonne, she's specialised in animation, of course (and she's writing a book about Bill Plympton right now).
-I like to read children's book to my girlfriend before we get asleep
-I discovered How I met your mother 4 days ago, I've nearly finished season 2 now, it's legen... wait for it... dary !
-I suck at writing english
-but I cook the best croque-monsieur ever !

7 commentaires:

  1. You sounds a cool guy.
    Thanks for your coments. Your work is really sweet and fantastic.

  2. Well, allow me to be one of the many English speakers who follows this blog to offer you a hearty congratulations to you on your recent award. I hope that this is only one of many well earned, well deserved awards that you will receive in your career.

  3. Félicitations Xav! D'autant plus que les nominés sont tous d'excellents artistes.

  4. Congrats man...great art on here...your english sounds perfectly fine! :)

  5. Valérie20:25

    aaaa trop mignon !!! toi et ta copine lisez des histoires pour enfants avant le dodo :) !!!

  6. J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais. Et hop, un petit lien vers ton blog sur le mien.
