mardi, mai 08, 2012

Naked Beauty 4: Step by step

For the ones who are interested on how I work, here is a step by step of how I've done my last illustration.

I always use photoshop CS3 and a Cintiq 21UX. I can't tell you exactly wich brush I use, it's just a random one I time to time change in the Shape window (it's always better when you try to find your own brush you really like).

Because of my poor skills in english, I'll explain only the important parts, you'll find more details the layers (I use a french Photoshop and name my layers in french too, sorry guys).

1. I start with the rough drawing, no need to do it too very precise.

2. I start with the skin (here I use two different layers, one for the back arm and one for the rest).

3. Then I add layers for the shadows.

4. Then shoes and hair (different layers again).

5. Then I make a new folder for the face and I make every detail on a different layer (it's easier if you have to change something).

6. I had highlights and shadows on the hair and shoes.

7. I make the last details and correct few things.

8. I make selections to had halos and shadows on the skin. At this stage, I spend a lot of time playing with the layer modes and oppacity to find the perfect match.

9. I use the gradiant tool to make a subtle color effect.

10. And once again I look for the best mode and oppacity to have the best effect.

11. I select the "light" areas and put a little bit of light in it with the levels.

12. I do the same with the shadows.

13. I make a subtle highlight on the background.

14. The signature.

15. I add noise on a new white layer for the background, and the I play with the mode and oppacity.

16. Then I do the same just for the girl, to have the perfect amount of noise on the image.

17. Et voilà !

I hope it's clear enough, don't hesitate to ask questions.

12 commentaires:

  1. So beautiful, nice tutorial.

  2. Yes - very clear. Looks incredible Xavier! Love the finish.

  3. thanks for this, It's nice to see these kind of posts..they are very enlightening. Each artists work process is different , it's like a fingerprint - no one has the same.

  4. great stuff.. there's something that i really like about your initial drawing...

  5. Anthony20:32

    Ah d'accord c'est pour dessiné des nanas que tu nous as quitté sur Muffin :)

    Dommage que tu ne sois pas resté un peu plus.

    Merci à toi et au plaisir sur d'autres projets.

  6. Waouh super ce tuto, merci !
    Magnifique en passant :)

  7. Great post, showing your progress from sketch to final! I really like simple design and appealing look, also it has simplified version of 80s american painter, Andre lomis feel! ^^

  8. nice work, really cool and good!

  9. Anonyme11:43

    Salut ! Déjà merci de partager tes talents, c'est vachement cool pour apprendre ! J'avais une petite question. Je cherche depuis quelques temps un brush qui me permette de faire ces effets "marqueur usé" sur les contours mais sans succès. Est-ce que tu sais où je pourrais le trouver ?

    Merci d'avance pour ton aide !

  10. C'est par défaut dans les brush photoshop :)

  11. C'est super chouette... mais c'est rageant...ça parait tellement facile quand tu l'explique comme ça :) En tout cas j'aime beaucoup le rendu final.
